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Getting Started with MIT App Inventor 2

App Inventor is a cloud-based tool, which means you can build apps right in your web browser. This website offers all the support you'll need to learn how to build your own apps. The App Inventor software, or "service" is at You can get there by clicking the orange "Create Apps!" button from any page on this website.

  1. Setup Instructions: How to set up your phone for live testing (or, if you don't have a phone, how to start the emulator).

  2. Designer and Blocks Editor Overview: Gives a tour of the App Inventor environment.

  3. Beginner Tutorials: Highly recommended as the best way to get started programming in App Inventor.

  4. Packaging and Sharing Apps: After you have built an app, you can package it for your phone and share it with friends.

What's different in the new version of App Inventor? Find out what's new App Inventor 2.

Looking for the older version of App Inventor? App Inventor 1 is still available. READ MORE...